Meet Mthobi Allen Ndlovu, a 26 years-old, Farming Management graduate who recently received a Top Achiever award at the uMfolozi Diploma Ceremony. “I Love farming because it teaches life lessons early, the results of perseverance and the redemption found in faith and hard work. I feel happy that my hard work and sleepless nights finally came with a reward,” explained Ndlovu.
Ndlovu studied at Eshowe Campus and is quiet passionate about farming and is grateful to uMfolozi for helping him towards the first step of his career. He completed his in-service training at Crammond Farming in 2019 where he was later permanently employed. He now works in the same company as a supervisor.
His message to students, “Get organised, make a plan for what you are going to do and when you are going to do it, study hard and always pay attention to what lecturers teach you. When placed for an internship always be on time and take notes and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need clarification.”